Every Person in this World goes through the different Life Stages

New Born Baby
a)  Enjoy the caring of Parents
b)  Everything around them is strange
c)  They view anything in this world with curiosity
d)  Looks so cute

a)  New relations, new friends
b)  Playing with friends
c)  Going to school & starts to learn new things in life
d)  Hate School going days, & will try to bunk it many times
e)  Looks Energetic & Smart

College days
a)  The Most enjoyable days
b)  First time enjoying the ultimate Freedom
c)  Enjoy Bunking from College, engage in activities
d)  Looks Handsome / Beautiful

a)  Getting a new friend for life
b)  Enjoying the new life with their Children
c)  Would love to go back to their old life - School or College days
d)  Responsibilities in their Shoulders
e)  Learn to compromise in Life - either in workplace or at Home
f)  Started getting respect for his achievements & hard work

Mid Age
a)  Asset accumulation like property, vehicle, children education, marriage etc
b)  Health problems start at this age. 
c)  Will realize that body never reach where the Mind wants
d)  Decides to accept it's a part of change in lifestage
e)  See their Children enjoying with their friends, rather than with us

Retirement Age
a)  All the responsibilities in life is over
b)  Children are grown up, & are settled
c)  Health Problems seems to get increased at this stage
d)  Since they don't have the responsibilities, they tend to go back to childhood days
e)  They behave like children, they like to enjoy with children (grand children)
f)  because their hearts need the caring like how they were cared in their childhood days
g)  Only difference, in childhood from their parents, but now from their children

In which Stage you are now?  Can you go back to any of the previous lifestage?  Can you keep yourself in the present lifestage?

After all these Lifestages, we are Dead.  No one can escape from Death.  The World has been there for Millions.  We will be there in this world maybe for another 30 to 40 years. 

Why do people go for Robbery?

Can Wealth keep you away from Diseases?
Can keep your dear & near ones keep alive?
Can it make our dear & near ones happy forever?

Why do we kill others for our Food

We eat Chicken, Mutton, Fish.  Remember, all these are living things.  They suffer pain & are forced to end up their lives for us.  Do you like others to kill you for food.  In cannibal stage, man had no other option to kill.  But now, we can go for vegetables. 

How can we make a difference?

Our Relationship with our Family, Friends etc may last for around 30 to 40 years.  Maybe if we have a rebirth, Our Present Enemies may become our close relatives.  So Love all people around us.  We don't know, how they were related to us in our previous births, and how they will be related in our future births (if any)

The Chickens that we eat may become the butchers to end up our lives in our next Rebirth.  So don't Kill anyone else for leisure.  If you are Hungry, go for a Kill if there is no other option.  Otherwise, try to live without harming anything else around us.

What ever we have now is a Gift of God.  If You are Handsome or Beautiful, it is also a Gift of God.  If you were born on a poor family, will your shape be like this?  Would you get the opportunity to go to beauty shops, wear such beautiful costumes, or study well & build the relationships in your present status?  So never humiliate others for what they don't have in life.  Try to help them if you can.

One Practical Thought in Life.

"If you were born poor,
it is not your fault. 
But if you die poor,
you are the only responsible person"

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